
by | Feb 8, 2023 | Testimonials

On May 26, 2017 I was 54. I had a pain in my neck. I called a doctor. He said it was probably a pulled muscle from the construction work I was doing. Sounded plausible to me, but in two days the pain had gotten really bad. I made a doctors appointment. A day before my appointment I passed out. My partner found me unconscious and called the ambulance. I started to regain consciousness and I could not move my arms or legs. At the hospital I found out I had a staph infection, septic with an abscess on my spine from C4 to C7. I was diagnosed as a C4 quadriplegic with a collapsed lung and was put on a ventilator. After months in the hospital I got off the ventilator but could not use my arms or legs. The Doctor told me I would be bedridden never to walk again. I went home a quadriplegic with no hope. After a year of hospital therapy I was able to hold finger food and work a tv remote. Then the therapist told me I had plateaued and insurance would not pay for more therapy nor would they take private pay. So my life had stopped and that was all I would be, a quadriplegic in an electric wheelchair. On one of my sister’s visits she saw how pitiful I was with no hope of getting better. She called 10 Fitness and asked the manager if there was anybody that might work with me. He said I have one that I think would really help you his name is David St. Romain. We met and he said you have to get some muscles to be able to do anything and lose weight. I was 215 pounds before this happened and at that time I weighed 276 pounds. David told me that he could get me out of that wheelchair and walk. I would have to change my eating habits, lose weight, and do the things he told me. First I had to quit eating meat and should just eat fruit and detox my body with juices. I had NEVER heard of such a thing. He was just another “snake oil salesman” with something to sell. The more I met with him I realized he wasn’t selling anything except to get me better. I started a training program with David 2 days a week for 1 hour. I also met at his Alka-Clean Detox office to do an eye exam to see where my problems were. I was real skeptical of what he was telling me but I had nothing to lose. I tried to eat like I was told. I cut out all meat but still ate some wrong food. After several weeks I noticed I was feeling better and I was getting stronger. One of my first big accomplishments, I was able to put on deodorant by myself. Remember I am a C4 Quad. I kept doing the fruit/melon diet and fasting sometimes. Working with David the stronger I got, my outlook was better. I started moving my left leg a little then my right leg started moving. With his diet plan and workout I started to see I was getting better and stronger. Within six months I’m was able to pull myself up off the wheelchair and do transfers. David told me my body had to be more alkaline. When I first checked my ph it was 5 very acidic. Doing his dietary restrictions my ph started to change. I followed his instructions, my ph changed to 7 then 8. My body was healing itself. I was standing with a walker, moving my legs, lifting more weight and doing bicep curls. The doctors had given me no hope and I would never get better. About 16 months with David I am walking with a walker, bathing, feeding, dressing myself. I was not losing much weight. David asked how much are you eating, I told him. He said you are not eating enough. You know I have been taught to lose weight by eating less. If David hadn’t already done a lot for me this “eat more weigh less”, I really questioned; I ate more. I’ve lost 48 pounds without using drugs nor having surgery. I’m a diabetic, my A1C was 8.9 now 6.4 and off of metformin. I have had a chronic sinus infection for years that antibiotics never cured. Being on this Alka-Clean diet the sinus infection is gone. I do not breathe through my mouth anymore not even when exercising. I’m a vegan now and would not think of eating any animal products. I’m a testament to the way of Alka-Clean Detox. It has changed my life. David changed my life. My body is still healing. I am getting better everyday. I will always live this Alka-Clean Detox lifestyle. If it wasn’t for David, his knowledge, caring, encouragement and his determination I would be the bedridden C4 Quadriplegic the doctors said I would be. So thank you, thank you David St. Romain for helping me get a life back.

Quad pic 1 1 scaled


10 Month Progress