Growing up I’ve always had the Standard American Diet and a bodybuilding lifestyle/diet which consisted mostly of animal product, processed foods, grains and supplements. Over the years, my health had began to deteriorate more and more and began developing health issues, one after another. Some of the health issues I have been diagnosed with by a medical doctor include: fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, astigmatism in both eyes, sinusitis and sleep apnea. Other issues I have dealt with include joint pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, being overweight, eczema, sciatica, heartburn, indigestion, and low energy levels. Through proper detoxification and regeneration with proper nutrition, I was able to heal myself and correct these issues naturally. I have lost over 90 pounds, my skin tags that I’ve had for years have gone away, and I have regrown a dead toenail from an injury after 12 years. My energy levels are better than ever, mental fog has cleared and this is the best I’ve ever felt in my life! Pics are me at 16 weighing 125lbs, my most unhealthy state at 280lbs, and recent at 200lbs and much happier and healthier!