
by | Feb 8, 2023 | Testimonials

David was my personal trainer years ago. After I moved out of state, I watched him on Facebook and was impressed with the results that other people were getting from David’s nutritional instructions. I watched as he, himself and so many others reversed health issues and got off medications, not to mention the weight loss!

That was what I was interested in! I am 56 years old and my weight has inched it’s way up the scale and nothing that I have done on my own has been able to reduce that weight. I had also noticed that I had become sluggish and had brain fog a lot of the time. I felt “old”. I contacted David last September 2021 to see if he could help me. I weighed the most I had ever weighed. I was used to being athletic and in shape but I had become embarrassed of where I was. I hired David and he started sending me weekly meal plans and coaching me any time I had questions. He was very responsive and full of very important information.

The first couple of weeks were trial and error (I had never “juiced” before). I did get in a routine of preparing meals exactly like he instructed and started watching the weight fall off! My husband decided to join me and his weight came off even faster than mine! Men!!  His blood pressure has always been slightly high but he has never taken medication for it but his doctor is very pleased with his numbers now.

We have stuck with the weekly meal plans for 4 months and I have lost 25 pounds, lowered my BMI 3.5% and my body fat by 5%. My husband lost 34 pounds, lowered his BMI by 3.6% and his body fat by 5.2%. We are both active people, but we did this with no intentional exercise. Our energy levels are high and we feel very healthy now. We plan on maintaining a healthy lifestyle now that we have been educated. I would highly recommend David’s services!