
by | Feb 8, 2023 | Testimonials

I am 82 and started my Alka-clean program at the end of January after a 7 day hospital stay due to fluid buildup, difficulty breathing and congestive heart failure. Weight went from 269 down to 177. Breathing has improved and no more oxygen machine.

I don’t have any more chest pain or fluttering, off all blood pressure meds and don’t have any more back or leg pain. The discoloration on the bottom of my legs is gone,

I have better mobility and don’t need my walker except to walk long distances. My energy levels are good, I sleep well now and my sinuses and coughing rarely bother me. My hernia has also improved and shrunk down.

I have not had any gallbladder attacks since changing my diet and no more digestion issues! I feel good!

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Lorena 1
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